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All about me, me, me, doh, rae, me, fah, so, lah, ti, doh! Name: Dylan
Class: 1 Pulverizing 1 Rewind
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Sunday, September 6, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
After you, my dear Alphonse: Would you have treated Boyd or someone who is not of the same race or nationality as you differently? Why or why not?
Would I or would I not?
That is the question! It is not right to treat someone of a different nationality as a different species. It is morally wrong. Yet people these days still have 'segregation' and 'discrimination' and all sorts of racial divisions! A lot of these people have been brought up in a society that treats people of different races in ways unimaginable. For example. JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BLACK, YOU HAVE TO BE LOOKED DOWN UPON, STEPPED ON AND ALLOWED TO MISTREATED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BACK THEN? It irks me to think that that back then, there were no laws restricting the mistreatment of black people. The white people in America even made the black people slaves to their own countrymen!!! Seriously, there is no rhyme or reason as to why people are allowed to treat others so mercilessly just because they are of a different race. Black people are not dirty just because of their skin colour! On the contrary, some black people take showers more often than any white person does! Having done some research, I have found out that the average IQ of different ethnic groups (which means it applies to everybody) increasese generally over the years. It is called the Flynn Effect. 6:15 AM
Friday, September 4, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
Do you think poetry can play a role in overturning stereotypes and discrimination? Why? The answer is "yes" and "no". I was doing a project that involves the usage of poetry and a short story to convey a message across to our group's targeted audience. The topic? Xenophobia. It is the fear of foreigners. It also involves some form of discrimination against the other races, but is quite different from racism itself. But I'm digressing. The main point is that poetry can only play a part in swaying people and getting them to overturn stereotypes and discrimination IF.... The poetry is of an understandable standard. One that appeals to all ages, has good poetry sense in it and conveys the right message across to the audience. The right way to put a message across to an audience is in a convincing, appealing way. Poetry can be written in such a way to be made appealing and convincing to the audience, so that they can get the catch of it and possibly, get rid of their steoreotypes and discriminations of the subjects they are directing them at. Like my group's project objecive was to use poems and a short story to debunk myths and stereotypes about foreign workers. The thing is, you need to be able to convey the message in an appealing way that is full of morals. It shouldn't be too difficult to understand, or the result will be a bunch of people who do not understand anything the poems are about and thus, the effect of the poems are unachieved, defeating the purpose of writing them. Only a person of higher standards of poem appreciation and comprehension would understand, and exactly how many such people are there in this world? Not many. So there you go! Poetry can play a part in overturning stereotypes and discriminations. It just depends on how you use it to do so. And how effective it is. And that depends on how you write it. 12:44 AM
Thursday, September 3, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
Should the 5Cs be the benchmark of success in Singapore? Why or why not?
Credit Card. Condo. Car. Country Club membership. The 5C's. The very benchmark of many Singaporeans. Why do so many Singaporeans set the 5C's as their lifetime goals? Why is it that Singaporeans place wealth, fortune and any other materialistic items above anything else? There are a few reasons behind this. There is the reason that today's society is very materialistic, pursuing dreams that are materialistic. Doing anything there is to do with materialism. That isn't much of a problem until people start going to extremes to acquire the wealth to attain the 5C's. Only then is it worrying. However, even if people are doing honest work to acquire the 5C's, personally, I do not feel it is necessary to achieve the 5C's in life. Singaporeans, everybody actually, knows that what they truly want is not money, wealth and whatever materialistic things. They might think that they want all this when they do not have them, but... Once they sit down, look around and admire their materialistic wealth and success, they will notice that they have no one beside them to enjoy it with them. I could relate this to a mid-life crisis but that is not the point. The point is: What is the point of being successful in a materialistic way if you can't enjoy with someone else? You could be rich, famous, your face/name could be in Forbes Top 100 richest men/women... but you still would not have anybody beside you to share the wealth with. You could be spending your entire life pursuing your materialistic dreams but in the end, you'd have been so caught up in your pursue of your materialistic dreams that you ignored and neglected all the people around you. The end result? A lot of hurt stirred up among the people around you. The pain that you cause, you have no idea about. The negligence that caused many things to happen to your loved ones, you had no idea of. The power of one dream is strong. Especially that of a materialistic one. It could drive you to do anything. One such case is Venerable MingYi, the founder of the RenCi charity. He had used the funds that he acquired from the charity's fund-raising events to attain the 5C's. This was how terrible the power of his materialistic dreams were. He had used, manipulated people's kindness towards charities. He had used the hard-earned money meant to help THE POOR, SICK AND NEEDY. Does it sicken you not? It is not wrong to want wealth. Petrol prices have been increasing, as there is a drop in the amount of fuel available. Food prices have been increasing because of the hard hit the economy received. If you do not want money, well, it's probably because you want to die. If not, it means you want money and you, obviously, want to live. So the problem does not lie in 'wanting and getting money' as I have mentioned before. It lies in 'wanting and getting money in dirty, dishonest ways' and 'pursuing materialistic dreams to the extent that you neglect all who are around you'. In conclusion, I do not think that the benchmark for Singaporeans should be the 5C's. Why? Money, people say, is the root of all evil. And to attain the 5C's, you require money. It is alright to have money as I said before, just don't ge too close to it, or want to much of it. Think of it this way... You don't need the 5C's to survive. Just one. The cash. The rest of the 4C's, you can forget all about as it will only make you fall deeper into the money pits... 10:03 PM
What are the traits of an “Ugly Singaporean”? Do you think this a fair assessment of the people living in Singapore?
What do people in Singapore think of other Singaporeans who go under the knife to get a better look or body?
They think that it is just all part of nature. Singaporeans wouldn't normally think twice about undergoing cosmetic surgery to refine their looks. Even if they know that it is fake/unreal and the like, they still go for it. Why? Simply because today's society is very much based on appearances. Appearances mean almost everything in today's society. If someone wants to get a job and the person is fighting with someone who is 'uglier' than him/her but has slightly better qualifications, the correct decision to be made by the boss would be to choose the one with higher qualifications that can bring up the company's worth. However, the boss would think that the one that looks nicer would be able to carry out his/her duties more efficiently. Another problem is the over-exaggeration of the term 'personal grooming'. The term has been coined and brought to a much newer level in Singaporean society. In fact, during job interviews it is important to keep track of your personal grooming and show the interviewer that as interviewee, you are an aspiring one that is capable of the job. However, to do this, you must first look good to create better first impressions. Sometimes, the interviewers just look out for the appearances and look at nothing beneath the skin. Especially not qualifications. So what are the use of qualifications and studying hard if today's society looks out more for appearances/ first impressions than to actually assess a person properly and look at a person holistically. Back to the main point. An "Ugly Singaporean" would possess certain traits that makes him/her, well, ugly. The problem is, the traits might not be very accurate in discerning a person's 'ugliness'. As I wrote in the above, Singaporeans nowadays have their sights set on people not with qualifications but, more of people who make a good first impression through their appearances. Then there is another type of ugliness which I regard as the type of ugliness Singaporeans, and the entire world while you're at it, should be based/assessed on. It is the ugliness of... Humans. All humans. The deep, dark ugliness. 1) Hypocrites. Well, actually that pretty much describes the world. Everybody is a hypocrite. Aren't we? The 'ugliness' of an "Ugly Singaporean" shoudl never be used to assess people. In fact if you asked me, a lot of people are seriously too jugdmental. 6:20 AM