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All about me, me, me, doh, rae, me, fah, so, lah, ti, doh! Name: Dylan
Class: 1 Pulverizing 1 Rewind
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Thursday, May 28, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
What is happiness?
What is happiness?
Happiness is defined in many ways. There are the dictionary meanings. But delve deeper.. and what do you get? You get all sorts of different meanings that pop into your brain. For example, a terrorist would find joy in destroying an economically-related (and very important) building. A businessman would not, as that would mean that stocks and shares would be affected, they would probably plunge. This would make the businessman distressed. The terrorist would be happy, but not the businessman. So, there you have it. Happiness is not a general term. It is specific. It is like a suffix or prefix - they don't make sense until you combine them with another word. Let's relate to a simpler kind of Happiness, yet quite complex. The Happiness of living under a roof, eating the minimal amount to stay alive, being able to crap even... These are some kinds of Happiness that though simple, are actually quite complex. Complex in the sense that they may seem very difficult to achieve by the standards of poorer people. Though Happiness is specific, that is only when pertaining to the audience. It is, however, general, when referring to the feeling you get when you feel Happiness. Easily said, you feel "happy". But sometimes, it is at the expense of others. 4:35 AM
How do you know you are not dreaming now?
I don’t. I have no idea if I am dreaming now or not.
Dreams are perceived to be things that we cannot feel and can only ‘dream’. They are not real. Some people, however, perceive them as ‘gateways to knowledge’; signs. I don’t even know whether the ‘dreams’ that I dream are even really ‘dreams’. What if they are the real world? This blog post that I am typing now is just nothing but a dream, but perhaps, what we think is ‘dreams’ is actually our real life? Simply put, what if our real lives are actually the ‘dreams’ we perceive them to be? What happened to all those ‘achievements’ I achieved? Were they all just a dream? The ground I feel beneath my feet is solid, I can walk on it, jump around. I can canoe, I can do all sorts of exercises and then, I sweat. I can feel all of it. All those things that I have done, the ‘years’ I have lived. Don’t tell me it’s fake! Don’t tell me that when I ‘die’, I would just be ending my ‘dream’! People talk about death, they view it as ending something, if we are all dreaming, wouldn't it just mean we are kicking up a big fuss over nothing? In addition to that, why worry about our post-existence when we did not have to worry abotu our pre-existence? We were non-existent then, only when we come out do we start to fear death. Why do we? Why worry about not existing when you weren't existing before? So how do we know that we aren't dreaming? Haha, pinch your thigh. 3:27 AM
How do you know who your friends are?
The world is filled with sinister, scheming people. Everybody sins. Everybody is greedy. There is no such thing as someone born pure and dying pure. Unless you are talking about some divine being manifested in a human's body. Even though there are all these sinister people in the world, we still find friends. We, the sinister, scheming, greedy people, befriend each other. We still make friends although we know we are evil in so many ways, though we know we have sinned so much. This is because; within us all is a beauty. This beauty is love.
All of us have friends, some are really good ones, some are just out to use you. How would you know? Just look at everybody. We all have a motive when we make friends with somebody. We all have intentions, be it good, bad or just looking for a friend (totally harmless). People don't just make friends for the sake of making them. Some of us make friends so that we can benefit from them. Now 'benefit' might be referring to either learning morals or values from them, or just plainly leeching off of them. Some people make friends because they are looking for a friend, and as I said, it is totally harmless. Some people need to be opened up to though, someone needs to initiate the friendship, or there will be none. So, how do you know who your friends are? Simple, just don't bother so much, just don't think so much and make as many friends as you want. It makes life a whole lot easier if you just let life go as it is... If you want people to be friends with you, just try to make friends with them. You don't have to find out who is right or wrong, the truth will slowly come out... It might be all the more painful for you then, but you have to bear with it - after all, you aren't God, who knows all. 3:17 AM
Monday, May 25, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
My first semester being a secondary one student
I have been in my new, wonderful school for 6 months. I have learnt alot, as this is expected because I am a secondary school student.
The +'s that I have experienced when I come here is a whole lot of fun, new experience and homework. I have found new friends here (by the way, I study in a boys' school), interestingly, I commend myself for making an exceptionally interesting number of new friends who are of the opposite sex. This was all done through the MOELC Portal. It's something like an e-mail account, but you can link up to hundreds, no, thousands, of 3rd language pupils there. I posted a message to everybody (it's not spam, in fact, most of the people who study 3rd language should know which message I'm refering to), informing them of what I had experienced in the earlier period of opening my MOELC Portal inbox, only to find messages which were wrongly sent. I had become a woman. I had become a teacher. These messages had driven me crazy, so I decided to do something about it. I sent a mass message to everybody in the MOELC campuses, excluding the teachers, to inform them about this kind of happenings. I had gotten quite a few good responses, even making friends with some of them... Well most of them actually. People who replied were mostly the good ones, making me want to initiate a friendship ^^ So this led to me getting a few more friends... I also made friends with an Ah Lian, and guess what? I don't like talking to Ah Lians. So I haven't talked to her for about... 3 months? Of course, the 2nd best part about being in my school was the large array of CCAs to choose from. Okay, maybe not too large for me back then, I was someone who would most probably have gotten into some CCA like a uniformed group! Either that or it was the clubs for me... Or worse, the Library Club.. (Although it is slack). God, however, gave me a chance, one beautiful chance that I did not let go to waste. He let me join canoeing! I joined in the Elite Sport, hardly able to believe that I had gotten in. (Thanks to my sit-ups too~) Everytime I look back (even if it has only been 5 months), I still feel very appalled that I had managed to get into canoeing. Well, I haven't capsized once (: (but recently, I've been using a sleeker boat, resulting in, well, some capsizing) Now for the - points. Being in a boys' school felt weird at first. I mean, what can you expect? I was in a mixed primary school, being in a school filled with boys... I only experienced that kind of thing when I was in a scouts' camp which was held in Mayflower Primary. And even then, it was only for a few days. However, studying in a boys' school, studying there for the next 3 and a half years. Now that's something. Another of the - points is... Well, there actually isn't much to say about my school being bad in any sense. Except, of course, for the fact that it is a boys' school (: Interesting things that happened. Oh, that is for me to knwo, and for you to never (unless you are on your deathbed) find out (: I cannot reveal my interesting happenings in this year! Unless you are willing to burn your eyes, reading this: my canoeing team-mate brought a condom to school. Oh yea, he did. But he didn't use it, so no big fuss, right? He still got caught by the teacher though, one of his friends threw the condom up into the ceiling fan and it flew out of the classroom, landing where a teacher was. Other 'interesting' things include, getting caught for 3 'offences' within half an hour. I got caught for talking while an announcement was being read out, then when I was standing on the jumping part of the track, the Level Consultant caught me for wearing ankle socks, and waxing my hair. Yea sure, ask any teacher, they would say that I can't wax my hair too, but it doesn't say that in the student handbook! Some of the plans I have for the next semester include, being caught again for waxing my hair, maybe some ankle socks... Heck, let's get some more demerit points! Not that it will matter if I have them or not, I don't believe I will be able enough to attain high marks to achieve the OSA or ARE awards... Some other plans include, building up on my body, you know, get some more muscles. If I don't, the team is going to fail next year and the C Division will come back empty-handed, heads hanging in shame... So that is why I, no, the entire canoeing team has to get their prorities right, we have to train whenever we can. In fact, every free day I have (save Sunday), I go to the school weights room. 7:11 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
Philosophy: What is beauty?
I ask my friends jokingly sometimes whether they would want to go out with a random girl I point my finger at. It always ends up as either "yes" because he probably thinks that the girl is pretty (because I would think so too). Or a "maybe" or "no", and because the girl looks average or ugly (because the girl's not pretty, not because she's really ugly or anything). So, how do we (the Secondary One boys of HCI), define beauty? I think that most of them (or us, because I'd hate to be one of them) judge them externally. I mean, I don't judge people by their looks. Perhaps others do... I don't blame them, first impressions are mostly done externally, unless something like cyber-friends arises... Then the issue is different. One of my friends (and he well knows who he is), commented on one of my NY friend's looks when I was meeting her for the first time. Well, this put me off a bit. Felt quite like driving his head into the wall that was beside us... Basically, it shows how boys (and again, I hate to be the one to say, 'cause I'm one too) look a lot at the external... assets of people when judging them. So for a girl to make friends with a lot of boys without being friendly first... She's going to have a lot of trouble... So is beauty physical, or psychological, mental, emotional, moral and physical? Well it's obviously the second one. And not because it's got lots of words but, because it is not only looks that matter. A person can look really nice and all, sexy, beautiful (in external terms) but they might have a bad heart. Black heart. Is that counted as beauty? I am fairly sure that you would say 'no'. But for those who say 'yes', I predict that you will fall in love with an evil, pretty girl. You will get used by her and when you've run out of things for her to use, she'll discard you like a sack of rubbish. Beauty is basically subjective. There is no way two people can view a person in the same way - just like snowflakes. What do you think of Beauty? 4:07 AM
Saturday, May 9, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
Cult of personality (other than Stalin) Today I shall be blogging on the cult of personality ^^ I shall be talking about Mao ZeDong, and not Stalin, because Ms Soh had already stated that he is not to be done! Mao ZeDong was a LARGE symbolic figure in China. If the Chinese in 20th century China didn't know him, then they might as well have a black cloth tied around their eyes as a blindfold, it wouldn't make a difference. Large quantities of politicized art were produced and circulated — with Mao at the centre! Numerous posters and musical compositions referred to Mao as "A red sun in the centre of our hearts" (我们心中的红太阳) and a "Saviour of the people" (人民的大救星). Generally, I think that Mao ZeDong was all of this in the earlier period of time, when introducing Communism was actually effective in uniting peasants. However, when progressing into bringing China up after uniting it, Mao ZeDong was most ineffective. His Cultural Revolution and his Great Leap Forward proved to be not only ineffective, but also made the Chinese go backwards. He didn't want to industrialize so the Chinese didn't move forward but backwards in 20th century terms - especially since Russia was moving forward at such a fast pace with Stalin governing it. Similarly to Stalin, Mao ZeDong had also launched two 5-year plans, namely the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward. The only thing that was different, however, was that he had made China move backwards and not forwards, unlike Stalin, who's two 5-year plans hd made Russia rise up to a superpower. 5:20 AM
Friday, May 1, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
Torrential Rain
The rainy Monday.
I was supposed to meet somebody, and I did. But I only met her for a mere five minutes after waiting for thirty plus minutes. I like waiting, especially when there is thousands... tens of thousands of silver pellets falling all around me... strings of silver pellets raining upon the ground. When they hit the ground, they break like glass and shatter all around. The rain torments me. Yet, it is so relieving to look at it. The rain reminds me of me. I keep trying to purposely shatter my heart. I turn my head to the north and I see the confinement of the bus-stop roof, as if I'm purposely trying to cage myself in, to keep my emotions intact. I turn my head to the east and I see all the HCI boys huddled together at one side, bracing the rain, either that or they're playing with the rain that trickles from the roof. I turn my head to the west and I see the NY girls huddled together under their school shelter which is linked to the bus-stop's roof, talking. I had been sitting under the bus shelter for so long. Waiting for my friend to appear. While I was deep in thought, that was when an NY girl rushed for her bus... She broke the glass on the floor and the pieces shattered and grazed me. 7:02 AM