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All about me, me, me, doh, rae, me, fah, so, lah, ti, doh! Name: Dylan
Class: 1 Pulverizing 1 Rewind
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Saturday, February 21, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
The Dialouge about Bullying
The dialouge between the Prinicpal, Dr Hon and the audience proved to be one of those other dialouges that would leave a very good impression on me, as I was waving around estatically the whole time. The dialouge was especially interesting when a boy from Ortus used the Prinicpal's size as a scale... And then things were very good for us... But not for him(Ortus guy) XP
You know, I seriously think that the Ortus guy is very stupid... You is putting his own future bond with the Principal in peril. Dr Hon must feel so insulted :P probably working out in his office now... People with bullying problems should really go seek help now before it is too late... I mean, if you can bear it, sure go ahead but I'm telling you, it's not the best idea in the world. And if yo decide to use this method, don't use it for too long. Because in the end all those bottled-up feelings will come out in a gush and you might end up being the bully. 11:29 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009| TOP OF PAGE
The Taximan's story (sounds juicy right?)
Q1. What is the irony in the story?
A1: The irony is that although the taximan does not approve of his daughter doing such indecent things, he however enjoys the benefits of OTHER young children doing so. Another irony is that, while he benefits from the young people, he also advises other people NOT to have their young children do that. Q2. What are the themes raised in the story? A2: Betrayal is raised slightly... Community is most definitely raised up as a theme in this story, talking of a certain group of the society/ community in Singapore. The story also speaks of Nature, the human Nature. And obviously... Sin. Q3. How realistic is this story? A3: Quite realistic. It is a picture of society we do not know of until we accidentally stumble upon and realise, that our society is not very perfect at all as we look into the dank, dark loopholes of it all. Q4. What do you think of the taximan? Do you feel sympathy for him? A4: I think the taximan sould be more socially-conscious of what he does, he probably does not understand what would have happened if one of the American/European tourists came after him. It would all end very, very, very horribly. I feel sympathy for him, however. He works so hard, but gets this terrible shock from his daughter. Q5. Do you agree with his lamenting? A5: Yes and no. Some of his views are very subjective and only make sense to him. Take the phrase "young people are very trouble these days" as an example. He is putting it across to other people that ALL young people cause trouble for others these days. Q6. What about the other characters in the story? Do you feel sympathy for them? A6: The other characters? Like the American/European customers? Well... NO. And the girl, Lay Choo? Aww... Poor girl, she must be hurting so much from the beating and sadly, she was polluted by society, another case of what bad society can do to you... 12:24 AM